Nietzsche said God was dead. Today, transhumanists say we can become gods through machines and biotechnology. Is this the life we want?

Either way, the world is in upheaval. Disruption is the new normal, and many of us feel adrift as we try to figure out what is real and true and good, and what isn’t. Devices and new technologies are part of this upheaval, but the changes we’re facing encompass everything from the social to the spiritual, from the temporal to the eternal.

I often ask myself what I can do to help my children navigate the tumult. But I can’t help them unless I can help myself, unless I can find a stable and healthy foundation from which to grow as a human being. Which perspectives and practices can help me do this? Which ones help me see more clearly, ground me in reality, and help me develop fully into a person?

I am a writer, a hunter of true ideas, and a spiritual pilgrim in the technological machine. I’m the author of Exogenesis, published by Ignatius Press, which is an imaginative exploration of my thinking through science fiction.

My wife

often writes with me here at Pilgrims in the Machine, and we both often write together at School of the Unconformed. The two Substacks share a common focus, yet Pilgrims digs deeper into ideas, while School tends to focus more on the practical.

You can reach me at

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being human in an age of acceleration


How do we stay human in an age of acceleration? Psychologist, Novelist, Orthodox, naturalized Swiss, hunter of true ideas. Author of "Exogenesis" published by Ignatius Press.
Swiss polyglot, homeschool mother of three, loves especially long classic novels. Family, education, and navigating daily life in the Machine Age. Committed to spreading seeds of truth, beauty, and goodness. Homeschool Advisor - Richard Syrett Show.